My Quiet Little Corner

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Respect Dare

The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection with God and Your Husband 
by Nina Roesner

If you want a practical book with hands on ideas for ways to strength your relationships then this is a good book for you. This book has 40 steps to choose to do in your relationship with your spouse and with God. The steps range from actions of love for your husband, conversations to have, to simple prayers to pray. I thought that the book had a lot of practical steps to take to work on my heart and my actions towards my husband in a way that focused on respect.
        A few things I was not excited about with in the book is that the author seemed to be advertising for her group and resources. I also felt that many of the stories she used were unrealistic, or overly "romanticizes." While the situations could have been real, the way the stories were told I didn't feel I could relate well to. Overall there were some activities I felt repeated themselves and didn't do much, but some that were very hands on and worked out great. I know my husband appreciated the conversations we had and the "Dares" I did with him. In the end when I reviewed what my challenges to myself had been, struggles I had with my husband, and considered how my heart and our relationship had grown, I realized that my attitude had changed for the better. So overall I thought the book was a worthwhile read, but not the most life changing for me, or a top-rated read. If I found it for $5 or less I would buy it.  It would be fun for a group of wives to go through and discuss changes in their lives and new ideas.  

Super Stitches Sewing by Nicole Vasbinder

Super Stitches Sewing by Nicole Vasbinder 

Five stars out of Five if I were giving stars!!

I recently started sewing and taking sewing lessons to help me learn new techniques. This resource was great when I started working on trying to sew from a pattern and realized they were giving me directions on stitches I didn't know! I also used this when I was sewing pillowcases and I didn't know how to finish it up. I searched through the different stitches and found directions for a closing stitch. I have a hard time following directions on who to do things just from reading. This book provided very simple, basic and visual directions that were easy to follow and understand. There are visual example and drawn out pictures of the steps. It also explains what each stitch is on your sewing machine and various ways to use them. My sewing teacher wasn't even sure of all of the types purposes and she is a seasoned seamstress. This is a great source for a beginning sewer! 

I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers for review purposes.If this sounds like something that would interest you check out